Analysis & Conclusion:

     Although modern society likes to deconstruct stereotypical gender roles, televised commercials during professional football games are founded on the classical roles of men and women; a dominant male and a subordinate female.

     As a class, we acknowledge that gender roles are still in effect. Although Constitutional law declares that "all Men are created equal", we know that this is more of a guideline, rather than a rule. However, over the past few years, evidence of progression has taken foundation in society. Progressive movements such as Feminism and Gay Rights all favor the social betterment of minorities. 

     However, through study of televised commercials during professional football games, the progression of de facto equal rights has been overturned. This reversal of a progressive movement is strategically based upon the target audience, and the stereotypical football fans- men. What do men want to see? How will men respond?

     As a result we see that men take a dominant role in advertisements, while women take on a subordinate role. This paradigm is enforced to an extreme extent, and is mocked when not acted out in an expected fashion (i.e. Miller Lite "Man Up" advertisements". Through my course of study of the past few weeks, I have concluded that the progression of minority movements has not had a positive effect on advertisements aired during professional football games. Because of the target audience and culture that professional football is founded upon, this social regression is not challenged, but accepted. 

     It is safe to conclude that gender roles are portrayed in a classical sense (a dominant male and subordinate female) during professional football games.